Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Introduction

I know, I know, its been awhile since I updated or even visited my own page. For this, I am sorry to all who were waiting for me if any. Well, I'll reintroduce myself. Hello, my name is here is LG. Actually I decided to shorten it for privacy reasons. Who knows you may figure out who I am but I must warn you I'm not a celebrity or anything like that. So I guess it doesn't really matter what my name is then. I decided to start this blog to give my outlook/opinion on life and talk about politics, economic systems, religion, organic living/choices, vegetarianism, unemployment, health, etc. In other words I'm going to talk about a range of things.I really want to hear your own opinions on the subject matter. In fact I think that's the best part. After all, I don't want to just hear myself talk or write. I hope to make some money as well. I mean it would be nice. I haven't completely decided which direction or niche to go in yet so please don't hesitate to tell me what you all would like to talk about. Hopefully, I can help someone else with their outlook on life as well. I decided to title my blog: "God Why Am I Alive?" at first but I've had a lot of changes take place since then so I decided to rename my blog "Making the Case for a New World," and I may change that soon too. I want your perspectives and I appreciate all of your comments.

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